Cat trees (also known as cat condos) are structures, usually carpeted, that are used for your cat to sharpen it's claws, play & sleep on. They come in a wide variety of shapes & sizes from a very basic post to giant ones that have multiple posts, perches, platforms, cubby holes, tunnels & toys.
Scratching (also known as stropping) is a normal behaviour in cats. Unfortunately some cats can cause countless headaches for their owners by scratching household furnishings, which leads to damage & great expense. Scratching of furniture is a leading cause of cats being surrendered to shelters. Providing a cat tree for your cat to use will greatly reduce the chances of household furniture being used.
The larger cat trees offer more than just the opportunity for your cat to scratch. With tunnels, perches & even attachments that will keep your cat entertained for hours. Tall ones can be placed close to windows, providing a spot for your cat to laze in the sun & watch the world go by. This is especially important for indoor only cats. Larger cat trees can also provide your cat(s) with hours of fun playing on & around.
Photo courtesy of Funky Cat
What is the difference between a cat tree & a cat scratching post?
The two are interchangable. A cat tree is also a cat scratching post, but some scratching posts may be very basic & do not provide the opportunity for your cat to climb onto. The smallest cat scratching posts (also known as a cat scratching board) can be hung over a door handle. This is especially useful if you live in a small flat or apartment where space is limited.
Which cat tree should I buy?
You are only limited by size, budget & the number of cats you have. A basic pole may be all that is required for one cat, but if you have multiple cats a larger cat tree is preferable, these come with multiple posts & different ledges for your cats to use. Look for a sturdy looking structure, which is made of good quality, long lasting products to keep your cats happy for many years to come. Aim to have one that your cat can fully stretch out on from a standing position. It is a way of loosening up leg & shoulder muscles & tendons in the cat's paws.
For the DIY enthusiast, there are many sites on the Internet that offer free instructions to build your own.
Funky Cat products are a favourite among Australian cat lovers. Not only are they incredibly sturdy, but they look fantastic too.
Where to buy a cat tree:
Pet shops, online & specialist cat tree manufacturers are the best places to buy a cat tree.
Training your cat to use a cat tree (and not the furniture):
Now you need to encourage your cat to use the scratching post provided. You can purchase catnip spray from many pet shops & spray this on the post to attract the cat, or rub some dried catnip on the post. Cats enjoy a scratch after a nap, so try placing the scratching post close to your cat's favoured sleeping location.
Cat trees can be purchased from most pet shops or online. If space permits, I would recommend you buy a larger one, which also provides your cat with a perch to sit & sleep on. The larger the better, especially if you have more than one cat.

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