Meh kita sambung cite pasal cat body language..
5.1 "OOps.. This Feels Like Mom Again."
The grab by the scruff of the neck looks cruel but it is actually an effective way of calming a cat down and getting it to say still. Kittens learn to be transported in this way from one place to another and will freeze their movements so that they don't flail out a paw and hit their mom in the face. This freeze response stays with them, so in later life, when a cat is held this way, it will react as it did as a kitten. It is also an important feature of the mating ritual, when a tom grabs the queen by the scruff of the neck.
Macam kesian kan nak wat cam ni? |
P/S : The Life And Adventures Of A Cat
Until the 18th century, male cats were known as "rams". Then in 1760, a book was published
in England entitled The Life and Adventures Of A Cat. The hero of this tale was a male cat
named Tom, and from this, all male cats came to be called Toms.
"What Are All Those Flappy Flying Things?"
In their first month of life, kittens have to get used to coordinating four legs and moving around. They put on weight quickly, their milk teeth start to come through, and their eyesight improves, Between the first and second months, all the sun starts with the onset of exploration, interaction, and play. The phrase "curiosity killed the cat" is aptly applied to kittens going through this phrase and apart from testing their boundaries and sampling new thins with their mouth, they will start to play-fight and play-hunt--stalking and pouncing on leaves in the backyard.
P/S : Cats Can Get Sunburned
Cats are good are seeking out sunny spots, but cats with white fur and skin on their ears are
especially vulnerable to sunburn. Frequent burning of the ear area can lead to skin cancer and
surgery may be needed to remove all or part of the affected ear.
sun bathing okay... hek3 |
"Hi, Mom!!"
Just as adult cats will jump up and greet their human parents, kitten will try to do the same their returning mother, who they can't quite greet nose to nose. The "welcome back" hop onto the back legs is something learned in kitten-hood. Not all kittens will have the strength to manage it, and some will try to emulate the hop of their brothers and sisters only to flop hopeless ( and adorably) backward. Balancing on the hind legs is a useful skill for later in life, as so many interesting things happen on raised surfaces that are frustratingly just out of their sight.
P/S : Little And Often
When kittens start to eat solid food, they won't
approach meal the same way as an adult cat. Instead of
one or two big meals a day, kittens will want to eat a
number of small meals. They will arrive at the food
bowl, eat a small amount, and then wander off only to
return a little while later. It doesn't mean that the kitten
doesn't like what you've given it or its not hungry, it's a
typical eating pattern for a kitten.
5.4 "Oh, Please!! Just A Little Squirt..."
Kittens can start to eat solid food when roughly a month old. With an ample supply of milk around the house, most domestic kittens will able to drink milk in a different form, but only as a supplement and not as the main source of nutrition. Some kittens take longer than others to adapt to solid food. However, at two months the mother will stop suckling her little and they will have to eat solids.
The kitten has just made an unsuccessful attempt to suckle and has been told by its mom in no uncertain terms that she is now off limits! There are specially formulated kitten food available and by the age of 12 weeks, kittens should be eating 3-4 meals a day.
"Let's Go Hunting."
Mom will gradually introduce her wide-eyed litter to the hunting process in a number of progressive steps. When the kittens are about 7 weeks old, instead of eating what she kills on the spot, she will bring the prey back to the nest and eat it in front of them. This way the kittens can learn what to do when presented with a dead animal and "play-kill" it so that the young can see how she dispatches small mammals. Following the lesson on how to kill the dinner, the young will be presented with it to eat themselves. Further lessons involve killing a half-dead creature dragged back to the nest for practice or more likely, the kitten will accompany their mother on their first hunting trip.

P/S : Tricks Of The Trade
Kittens that are not shown how to hunt with their
moms can still learn to hunt themselves but
it is far more of a hit-and-miss affair. Some will
use their natural inbred skills and succeed,
while others will find hunting very difficult. Kittens
that are raised alongside pet hamsters, mice, or
pet rats will find it difficult to treat them as prey in
later life.
yesh2!! sampai ketemu lagi... daaaa~!