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Cat Body Language - 100 Ways To Read Their Signals..


Assalamualaikum.. Haaa.. ari ni 1 Ramadhan.. Salam Ramadhan tuk semua... :D

Okay ari ni kite sambung lagi sal cat body language ye sume.. hehehe entry kali ni aku rasa macam best tuk lorang baca sebab benda ni anak-anak bulus kita salu wat.. huhu.. kalo korang tak caye, pas baca ni korang tgk anak-anak bulus korang.. huhu..

3.1 "Hi, And Here's My Smell."

       A cat's greeting is very familiar. First, it will rub the top of its head against you, followed by the sides of its body, and with a final flourish, the tail. One pass is often not enough, and the friendly cat will come back with the other side of its body to get a better impression. This initial contact from a cat often brings a response from cat-loving humans flattered by the attention, and they will reach down to stroke the cat--at which point the cat will rub its jaw into the stroking hand.

       Though humans may not realize it. they are being marked with scent. There are scent glands on a cat's head, along its jaw, and at the base of the tail, and all these careful rubs are putting the scent of the cat on the guest. In return, the cat will smell the fur it has rubbed against us to figure out what we smell like. The fact that we don't bother to check the cat's scent is lost on the feline world. Cats like to make their presence felt throughout the house and will rub against baskets, furniture, and door frames. They are not saying hello to these objects.

3.2 "Why Do You Have To Be So Tall?"

       Cats would rather greet us nose to nose. It's the traditional cat greeting, after all. The fact that they can't is very frustrating to them, and they may occasionally get up on their hind legs to say hello when we come home. It's a vain attempt to get near our height and nuzzle. For this same reason, cats will often leap onto furniture to be closer to out height when we come through the door. They want to be able to say hello properly.

P/S : Making The Wrong Friends

        While dog owners have more control over their  
        animals, keeping them safe in the backyard 
        and walking them on leashes, the wandering cat can 
        make some very bad friends--especially a 
        male who has not been neutered . The unspayed   
        female will attract strange cats into the house 
        when they are in heat or may try and escape to be "where the boys are," while unneutered  
        tomcats will roam and bring home big veterinary bills after fights.


3.3 "I Hope You Don't Mind If I.... ."

        Cats will sniff each other's rear ends in greeting just like dogs do, except in the feline world it's a far more wary process. Cats will greet each other nose to nose first, and rear if they are friendly, one cat will allow the other to sniff its rear end. Then the process is repeated. They are not like dogs, who will charged up for a mutual  sniff without any kind of preliminaries. It would be considered both a rude and aggressive move if a cat charged up for a sniff without any kind of engagement first. One of the reason for this wariness is that cats have a lot more "armaments" ready to show disapproval--such as sharp claws. In this case, The tricolored cat has been far too quick in getting to know the ginger cat, even though his tail is raised. The direct stare from him is confrontational.

P/S : Is Your Cat A Polydactyl?

         Though it sounds like a creature from Jurassic Park, a polydactyl cat is one extra toes--sometimes six
         sometimes as many as seven.


3.4 "Hi There... ."

        Cats like to rub noses and make nose to nose contact when they greet someone. So the simple solution for cat lovers who want to reinforce the bond between cat and human is to meet their cat nose-on. It can also form part of a scent greeting, in which scents are rubbed off and exchanged between cat and human. In this instance, the boy has picked up the cat so it can say hello, but cats are even happier if you come down to their level. That way, they have more control of what they do next and don't have to resort to "I want to get down now"  actions to be let go.

P/S : Say It With Meows

         Cats will often adopt a softer version of their meow as a   
         "Hello" meow. This muted version helps distinguish it
          from the louder " I want food" meow or the "let me out   
          of the house" meow. Cats are far more sophisticated than dogs in expressing themselves vocally, and in
          some studies almost a hundred different vocal expression have been recorded in cats, compared to 
          under twenty in dogs.

3.5 "You Smell Familiar, And I Never Forget A Nose."

       When they meet in a neutral zone, cats that know each other say hello by sniffing and rubbing. First comes the nose to nose sniffing, which is followed by a little bit of head rubbing, perhaps some flank rubbing, and maybe some anal sniffing to finish it off. This is usually done singly, with the more dominant cat being the first to sniff. It is also the more dominant of the two. Here two kittens, who know each other very well, meet outside.

huhu tamat tuk ari ni.. nanti kita sambung len k.. haa.. korg try perati anak-anak bulus korg.. dorg ade wat cam tu tak kat korang? kalo ade.. haaa... ape yg sumber ni btau kire betul la tuh.. hehehe sampai jumpe lagi.. daaaa~~!!!

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Cat Body Language - 100 Ways To Read Their Signals..


Salam.. morning anak-anak bulus n everyone... hehehe :D

 Okay ari ni episod 2 dalam siri 100 Ways To Read Cat Signals.. huhu

2.1 "Don't Look At Me Like That!!"

hehehe sori le pic copy buku :-p
       The Hissing sound a cat makes is very similar to the hiss of snake when it rears up, fearing attack. It's a sound reserved for close contact, when the aggressor can feel the full force of the air expelled over a cat's arched tongue. It has been theorized that cats developed this ability to imitate snakes through the evolutionary process. Dogs are extremely wary of snakes, and it is said that cats exploit this age-old fear. It's nice theory, if it weren't for the fact that baby hedgehogs. when threatened, can also produce a loud, hissing, snorting noise made by expelling air rapidly. Cats may well be exploiting the surprise factor more than anything else.


2.2  "Meow!!"

      It may surprise you to learn that cats rarely meow to each other. The meow is reserved almost  exclusively for cat-to-human communication and is used to say "I'm here. Here I am. Look, I'm down here!!" That is why there is often more meowing after a can of cat food is opened than beforehand, as the cat wants to make quite sure that it is the recipient. Meows are used primarily for food and access, and occasionally to say "hello," although some Burmese and Siamese owners will swear that they can have whole conversations with their cats.

P/S : Using Up One Of The Nine

        Florida senator Ken Myer thought he had lost his cat, Andy, when the cat fell from the 16th floor of his apartment building. Andy survived the fall, the longest recorded non fatal fall by a cat. Also making use  of its nine lives, a cat in Taiwan was discovered still alive after being trapped inside a collapsed building  for 8 days following an earthquake in 1999.


2.3  "You Can't Go Out Looking Like That."

        In the extended kittenhood that is a house cat's life, stroking is a reminder that the owner is their 'parents'. Cats are one of the cleanest animals, and from the moment they are born, the mother will devote long hours to licking her little clean. The abrasive cat tongue is a very good grooming tool, and kittens learn to be soothed and reassured by the action. Cat owners take over the role of 'kitten mother' when they become responsible for feeding, protecting and watching the kitten/cat. And just like Mom, the two-legged parent will also teach them proper grooming habits.

P/S : Record-Breaking Cat

        There are many claims for the world's oldest living cat. The problem for the The Guinness Book of 
        Records is that most aged cats don't have verifiable records of their birth date. However, there are well
        - recorded instances of cats living into their thirties, and Creme Puff, a cat from Austin, Texas, 
        celebrated her 38 birthday in 2005. A man in Dumfriesshine, Scotland, claimed to have a cat that was 
        43, but before the Scottish Cat Club could check out the details, it was killed by a train.


2.4 "Hi, New Mom"

      Stroking is a reassuring reminder of kittenhood and is enjoyed by even the oldest of cats. It is a maternal association that is deep in the cat's psyche. One thing a cat might do when it is first  stroked on all fours is to hold its tail erect. This isn't a sign of excitement or a method of having the stroke extended along the back and then all the way up the tail. It is the action of a kitten who lifts his tail up to allow the mother to check that all is clean behind it. It is another sign of the cat reverting to kitten.

P/S : Good Fur You

        Stroking a pet is widely viewed as a great way to relieve tension in humans, and cats have an advantage
        in that they have very soft and well-groomed coats. There are approximately 60,000 hairs per square 
        inch on the back of a cat and about 120,000 per square inch on its belly.


2.5 "I Feel Safe With You!"

huh.. selesanyeee~~

       A cat lying around the house may see you approaching and roll over onto its back. This is the greeting of a (literally) laid-back cat. Whereas a move active cat might race up to you and start nudging its head against you, this cat is pleased to see you, but it's still pretty comfortable and warm where it is and doesn't want to trouble itself by getting up. The action of rolling over and exposing its vulnerable belly is something a cat won't risk if it senses any kind of danger. So it's an act trust. "You're safe, but I still can't be bothered to get up"

P/S : "Don't Stroke Me!!"

         Even though the rollover is a friendly, positive move, it is not an invitation to stroke the belly. The
         position is aimed at showing submissiveness. Some cats can be stroked here, but more often than not a
         stroke may be met with a swiped paw or even an attempted bite. This is a sensitive area, and a cat 
         needs to be on very good terms with a human before the person is allowed to stroke its belly.

Fuuh!! hehe harap korang faham dan enjoy membaca entry tuk kali ni.. jumpa lagi ye.. daaaa~~

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Cat Body Language - 100 Ways To Read Their Signals..


 meh kite sambung lagi sal cara-cara mengenali body language anak-anak bulus.. hehe

1.3. " I don't like this. I sense danger!"

      Cats produce a caterwauling yowl in situations of extreme fearfulness. It's a low-pitched, mournful howl that varies in pitch. Cats yowl when they are about to confront another cat or execute an aggressive move. The yowl may start low and stay low as the two potential combatants give themselves a last-second chance to avoid a fight. As the pitch of the yowl rises, so the aggression commences. They can also yowl at vets, another situation of intense apprehension, locked as they are in their travelling carrier, surrounded by strange smells, and if they have prior experience with the vet - anticipating pain.

P/S : The Small Cat Drill

         Cats can be more expressive with their purrs than their big-cat cousins. Whereas a cat can create the 
         purr noise as it breathes in and out- "like it's drilling behind the sofa", as comedian Eddie Izzard 
         maintains-big cats such as lions and tigers can't. They can only produce the noise by moving air in a 
         single direction-outward-no matter how contended they are..


1.4. "Aaaaiiiieeeeeee!!!"

        At the moment of conflict, when the caterwauling ceases and fighting starts, cats will let out ear-splitting, high-pitched screams that last only a fraction of a second but wake up neighborhoods. The scream is a moment of sheer terror, as this kitten is experiencing when it turns and sees the dog it has been placed next to.

P/S : Cat Lick Checklist

        Cats have their own licking and cleaning checklist and it's fascinating 
        for owners to see if their cat performs it in the same way each time. 
        The sequence is traditionally. Lick the paw and then rub it over one 
        side of the head. Lick the other paw and rub it over the other side of head. (Is your cat a lefty, a righty,
        or a don't-care-which-paw-first cat?) Lick Shoulders, lick front leg, lick side, lick genitals, lick hind legs, 
        and lick tail.


1.5. "Sorry Mom, I thought this tree was easy. Now get me outta here!!"

         The cat cry is used to summon help in an emergency. An example of a typical emergency is when a kitten goes too far in exploring its boundaries-in this case, getting stuck halfway up a tree without the courage to turn around and climb down. It's a pitiful, expressive cry that is designed to bring parental help.

    Okay.. cukup tuk ari ni.. esok kite sambung lagi 5 ye... harap korang sume memahami n enjoy membacanye.. hehe.. daaa~~!!

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Cat Body Language - 100 Ways To Read Their Signals.. huhu


      Okay, entry kali ni aku nak cite pasal cat body languange.. ada lebih kurang 100 cara kita nak tau or nak paham body languange anak-anak bulus ni.. huhu aku akan post sari 5 ways jek okay.. hehe for 1st entry pasal ni.. aku cite 2 dulu okay.. nanti aku post lagi.. janji sari 5 ways.. haa nak kena bagi cukup 100 ni.. hehehe but in English la sebab aku pun refer dari satu sumber and bila aku perati anak-anak bulus aku.. "a'ah la.. betul la apa yg sumber ni bg tau.." huhu.. meh baca.. sonok rupenye study sal cat body languange ni.. hehe then perati anak-anak bulus korang tau.. hehehe kire cam eksperimen la.. huhu..


1.1. "I'm happy and contented".

   Purring in cats, like tail wagging in dogs, is often misunderstood. A dog wagging its tail could still attack you because the tail wagging actually means "i'm, excited", not "i'm pleased to see you". the purring cat is saying "i'm in an upbeat social mood". though owner like to think it is their unadulterated love and careful stroking that causes the purring, cats will purr when they get their favorite food and even when they're injuredor giving birth. it's also a signal intended to inspire a reaction from humans or other cats: "i want friendship", or "i want reassurance".

P/S : Purr-fect Harmony 
        Small cats can produce a satisfying purr, but so can some big cats. Lions, tigers and cheetahs can do 
        variations of the purr, but jaguars can't purr at all. The frequency of a cat's purr is anywhere between 25   
        and 150 hertz (Hz). At the bottom end of the range, around 25 Hz, the harmonics of a cat's purr are the 
        same as an idling diesel engine..

maknanya kucing bila wat bunyi purr tu.. dorg nak manje2 la dgn kite ek? huhu siap golek2 lagi kan? kire macam dorg ni excited lebey la kann? hehe

1.2. "I want to hear you all purr".

  Kittens begin to purr when they are about a week old and are suckling. It's a device that tells the mother all is well on the nipple and that each kitten is getting its share of milk. The mother will listen for their individual purrs and purr back to them as a reassurance that all is well, the nest is safe, and they can keep on suckling

P/S : Frequent Flyer
         Possibly the world's most traveled feline is a cat named Hamlet. He escaped from his carrier on a flight
         out of Toronto, Canada, and was given up as lost. He was found behind a panel in the aircraft seven 
         weeks later, by which time he'd traveled  375,00 miles.

huh! sangat gagah perkasa anak bulus ni eeh.. huhu haaa.. ni je dulu k.. sampai jumpe lagi.. daaa~~!!

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Setiap Kelahiran Baru Pasti Akan Diikuti Dengan Kematian.. Begitulah Sebaliknya..


  Samat Pagi Semua.. huhu Semlam aku ada post pasal kematian anak bulus aku yang manja.. hmm.. ari ni aku nak cerita pasal kelahiran anak-anak bulus aku yang terlebih dulu dilahirkan.. Selalu macam ni.. mati ramai-ramai dalam seminggu.. nanti pasti akan ada penggantinya.. dan jumlah anak-anak bulus tetap sama takkan berkurang sebabnya pergi sekor.. kang datang dua tiga ekor.. huhu

  Ni gambar anak-anak bulus yang baru.. dalam seminggu mati 5 ekor tanpa sebab yg boleh dikesan.. tapi dalam seminggu jugak kuar 5-6 ekor .. wuhuuu~ meh tgk ni.. 

tudiaaa... anak2 bulus (anak siGebu ni) hik3

 Ni anak-anak si Gebu.. dari 7 tinggal 4 jek.. ari2 mati.. smlm mati.. pagi ni pun mati jugak.. adui.. susahnye jaga anak2 kenit ni.. harap-harap sangat yang 4 ni sihat-sihat belaka.. aminnn...

anak-anak siBelang

  Ni anak-anak siBelang ni.. beranak kat banglo kucen bakang umah.. tapi dia angkut anak-anak dia kuar nyuruk kat celah2 atap umah sebelah banglo tu.. tapi aku bawa masok dalam umah le sebab smlm dgn ari ni ujan lebat sangat.. sian.. bila pk balik.. anak-anak bulus yang dibiarkan membersar dgn sendri kat luar lagi sihat dan demok dari anak-anak bulus yang membesar dalam umah.. nape ekk? (tgh mengkaji) huhu..

   Sume anak-anak bulus ni tade nama lagik.. sampai da tatau nak letak nama apa.. ramai sangat..

Nanti da ada nama aku update okay ;) daaaa~~!

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'Pergi' Lagi Satu Ahli Keluarga Anak-Anak Bulus Ku :(


 Adui.. dalam minggu ni lebih kurang 6 ekor anak-anak bulus aku pergi tuk selamanya :( lepas sekor.. sekor pergi :( apa sebabnya? aku sendri tak pasti.. adakah jenis baka siam ni tak leh biar lepas cam tu aje? hmmm

 Hmm pagi aku kuar g banglo kucing kat blakang umah nak bg makan, aku buka pintu. salu kalo aku buka pasti muka-muka anak siam yang terpa kuar dulu.. tapi bila aku kira 'eh!! awat tak cukup? sunyi ja? dok tingkat ataih ka? aatuuuuuuuu~~....!!!'  bila aku tgk atas lantai.. 'Ya ALLAH!! Atuuuuuu!!!!'.. dia da kejung :( semut pun da hurung dia :( nampak sgt mati smlm.. patut la petang semalam dia dtg kat kaki aku gesel-gesel.. rupenya nak bergesel wat kali terakhir :(  dia mang dari mula lagi nampak macam tak sihat tapi bila bagi makan, lalu je dia.. so aku pun tak bajet la :( 'kakak minta maaf Atu.. kakak tak paham penderitaan Atu :('

 Semoga Atu tenang di sana :( kakak minta maaf :'(

Rest In Peace Atu.. gonna miss u so much!! (anak BB)

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Three kittens for adoption..

haaa... lai.. lai.. lai... sape cepat dia dapat.. hehehe Three kittens for adoption .. 
 cumil-tau.. hehehe ada sape2 nak adopt kittens tak? cumil2.. area KL (lain2 area pun leh jg tapi susah sket la sebab kittens ni area KL).. kalo ada pls contact me.. 

The three little kittens, all with long tails (male & female)

This one is a male

This one is a female

This is a female with blue eyes

anak-anak bulus ni tinggal kat Taman Melawati.. kalo ada sapa yang berminat pls tinggal komen n I'll contact U as I get your comment.. thank you ;)

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Catnip yang terdapat di Malaysia...

Okay.. entry yang lepas aku ade post sal vaksin tuk kucing2 kan? ari ni aku nak post sal 'vaksin' kucing tapi cara tradisional.. huhu meh aku kenalkan korang dgn 'vaksin' tradisional ni.. POKOK KUCING GALAK..

 Pokok Kucing Galak atau nama saintifiknya 'Acalypha Indica' ini berasal dari India dan senang tumbuh meliar di negara-negara sebelah sini. Pokok ini adalah dari jenis berbatang lembut dan berdaun dan berbuah hijau.
Ia menjadi salah satu kegemaran kucing memakannya untuk menambah tenaga terutama kucing jantan yang mampu melayan berapa banyak kucing betina. Kucing betina pula memakan daun dan buahnya dimakan selepas melahirkan bagi mengembalikan kekuatan.

Keseluruhan pokok kucnig galak bermula dari daun, buah dan akarnya amat berguna dalam perubatan Homeopathy yang boleh digunakan bagi merawat asma, batuk dan bronkaitis. Jika diamalkan memakan pucuknya, ia dikatakan boleh menambah 'tenaga'. Pokok kucing galak boleh dibiakkan melalui biji benih. Buahnya akan mencambahkan biji apabila telah matang iaitu apabila matang, buah itu akan meletus dengan sendiri.

Catnip yang terdapat di luar negara

Nepeta cataria nama pokok tu.. Rasanya pokok ni ada jugak ditanam kat cni cuma kita je yang taktau itu juga adalah catnip.. pokok ni bukan je berguna kepada kucing-kucing tapi jugak kepada manusia.. ni kalo tak caya sila baca info kat cni... .. kat situ ada cerita pasal kelebihan pokok ni.. meh tgk cane rupa bentuk pokok ni..

tengok ni.. da nak jadi bunga da.. haaa.. penah tengok kan pokok ni? ini lah pokoknye.. huhu..

meh kite tgk betapa galaknya kucing-kucing bila dapat pokok-pokok ni.. keh3

haaa... yang 4 keping gambar ni kucing aku sendri.. nampak tu.. berselera dorg ni... keh3

  yang dua ni.. amik kat tenet sebab kat umah tade pokok ni.. jadi amik kat tenet aje la.. hehehe

Khasiat Pokok Kucing Galak

Menurut Dr. Mohd Said Saad(Ketua Pusat Sumber Genetik Tumbuhan, Institut Biosains UPM), khasiat pokok kucing galak ini terletak pada bahagian akar dan daun.
Korang boleh menggunakan salah satu daripadanya untuk mengubati penyakit kulit, merawat ulser mulutkuatkan tenaga batin (ni yang tak leh blah ni.. misti ramai nak try ni... hahaha) dan menambahkan kekuatan badan.

Hah..misti korang tertanya-tanya cane nak guna pokok ni kaannn? meh aku btau.. hehehe

1. Ambil bahagian akar atau daun pokok kucing galak (pilih salah satu aje).
2. Bersihkannya terlebih dulu.
3. Rebuskan akar atau daun tadi sampai ia mendidih.
4. Setelah mendidih, biarkan air rebusan itu suam.

Pastu, korang teruskan dengan langkah berikut mengikut tujuan yang dikehendaki:

Ulser Mulut
Gunakan air rebusan tersebut untuk berkumur. korang rajin2 la berkumur-kumur dengan air rebusan itu sebanyak 2 kali sehari. Iaitu pada waktu pagi dan sebelum masuk tidur.
Amalkan sampai korang sembuh.koranganda yang mengalami penyakit kulit. Lakukan petua ini setiap hari dan teruskan sehingga anda benar-benar sembuh.

Penyakit Kulit
Basuh kawasan tubuh korang yang mengalami penyakit kulit. Lakukan petua ini setiap hari dan teruskan sehingga korang benar-benar sembuh.

Menguatkan Tenaga Batin dan Badan Kuat (yaaahh!!! ni yang korang carikan? hahaha)
korang tapis dan minumlah air rebusan akar atau daun pokok kucing galak tadi. Amalkan meminumnya secara sederhana atau hanya apabila perlu. Sebagai contoh, minumlah segelas sebelum korang melakukan kerja berat dan tujuan lain yang seumpama dengannya. :)

haaa.. amacam? ada bran nak cube? keh3 pape pun kalo sakit, g jumpa doc je senang... hahaha selamat mencubaaa!!! daaa~~!!

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Padah Zalimi Kucing.. errrr PADAH keee?? elllllooooooo~~!! celah gigi dia je koootttt~~!!!

Nah versi melayu lak.. leh banyak sket nak bantai.. huh!! 

PETALING JAYA: Padah menzalimi tiga kucing dengan memukul menggunakan payung, menendang serta menyakiti haiwan malang itu Februari lalu, seorang wanita berusia 21 tahun didenda RM400 oleh Mahkamah Majistret di sini, semalam.
Chow Xiao Wei dijatuhkan hukuman selepas mengaku bersalah di hadapan Majistret Nik Mohd Fadli Nik Azlan. Nik Mohd Fadli juga memerintahkannya dipenjara tujuh hari jika gagal membayar denda itu. Bagaimanapun, Chow menjelaskan dendanya.

Mengikut tuduhan pertama, dia didakwa secara zalim menyakiti dua kucing antara jam 4.25 petang hingga 5 petang pada 19 Februari lalu di depan sebuah gerai di Pasar Seri Kembangan di sini.

Bagi kesalahan itu, tertuduh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 44(1)(a) Akta Binatang 1953 (Akta 647) dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 44(1) akta sama yang memperuntukkan hukuman denda maksimum RM200 atau enam bulan penjara atau kedua-duanya, jika disabit kesalahan.

Chow juga didakwa melakukan perbuatan tidak wajar menyebabkan kesakitan serta penderitaan seekor kucing pada masa, tarikh dan tempat sama.

KEJAM...rakaman video yang disebarkan  di Internet  sehingga menimbulkan kemarahan pencinta haiwan. 
KEJAM...rakaman video yang disebarkan di Internet sehingga menimbulkan kemarahan pencinta haiwan.

Dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 44(1)(d) Akta Binatang 1953 (Akta 647) dan boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 44(1) akta sama yang memperuntukkan hukuman denda maksimum RM200 atau enam bulan penjara atau kedua-duanya, jika disabit kesalahan.

Pendakwaan dilakukan pegawai pendakwa Jabatan Veterinar, Jamadi Badri, manakala Chow tidak diwakili peguam bela. Penganiayaan Chow terhadap tiga kucing itu sebelum ini tersebar luas di laman sosial, facebook dan blog selepas dimuat naik ke Internet hasil rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) di lokasi kejadian.

Rakaman lima minit itu menimbulkan kemarahan banyak pihak, khususnya pencinta haiwan sehingga mendorong mereka menggerakkan usaha ‘mencari seorang pembunuh kucing’.

Rakaman video itu menunjukkan perbuatan tertuduh yang melakukan penyeksaan terhadap tiga kucing termasuk melibas dengan payung, menolak ke longkang, malah memijak hingga menyebabkan seekor kucing mati.

Selepas pelbagai usaha dijalankan, Chow yang dikenal pasti melakukan perbuatan itu akhirnya dikesan di facebook melalui pakaiannya dalam video yang disebarkan.

Chow yang menyedari identiti dirinya terbongkar meminta maaf secara terbuka dengan memaklumkan dia sedang menjalani rawatan psikologi kerana tekanan yang dikatakan dihadapinya akibat perceraian ibu bapanya.

P/S : psyco sebab mak ayah cerai? apekah??!! kalo mak ayah da cerai ape kena ngena dgn kucen tu lak? kucen2 tu anak mak ayah ko jg ke? bodow sungguh!! heee geram neehh!!! 

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Ape Yang Pentinggg?? KEJESAMEEEE!!!

hahahahaha comel giler anak-anak bulus ni.. tengok!! kucing pun tau erti persahabatan dan kerjasama dalam perhubungan.. kalo tade kerjasama, sesuatu benda yang diusahakan takkan tercapai kan? so. jangan gado ye kawan-kawan.. contohi lah anak-anak bulus ni.. hehehe comel giler koot~! 

tengok anak-anak bulus ni..!! hahaha

bila tengok gelagat anak-anak bulus ni.. tenang sket jiwa ni.. hehehe

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Berbaloi Atau Setimpalkah Hukuman Yang Dikenakan Tu??!!

Hawker fined RM400 for cruelty to cats

PETALING JAYA: A woman hawker was fined RM400 in default seven days jail by the Magistrate's Court here for cruelty to three cats. Chow Xiao Wei, 21, pleaded guilty before Magistrate Nik Mohd Fadli Nik Azlan to beating, kicking and hurting two cats in front of a stall at Pasar Seri Kembangan here between 4.25pm and 5pm last Feb 19. 

She also admitted causing pain and suffering for no sound reason to another cat at the same place, time and date.

She was charged on two counts of cruelty under the Animal Act 1953, and faced a fine of RM200 or six months jail, or both, for each offence.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Jamadi Badri from the Veterinary Services Department prosecuted. Chow was unrepresented. The incident came to light when a closed circuit TV video tape of it was uploaded on a Facebook. -- Bernama

Read more: Hawker fined RM400 for cruelty to cats

Meh kita tgk video ni.. korang pikirkan lah sendri.. logik ke tak hukuman tu dgn apa yg dia da wat?! ce pikir.. ce pikir!!

Hmm.. itu aje hukuman yang dikenakan kat budak bebal ni? ringannye!!! ape ke heei ni yop!! biar benar!! Aku nak betulkan sket ayat atas... ".... to beating, kicking and hurting two cats in front of a stall.."  penulis tertinggal satu lagi... KILLING!! dont forget that!!! adoii!! apekah?!! (huh emo da ni) hmm kalo aku la, aku tanak kenakan dia sebarang bayaran sebab aku tau dia mampu.. setakat rm400 sebelah mate je.. hp dia pun leh dari tu dia leh beli.. penjara seminggu? huh! PLKN yg berbulan2 pun dia leh pegi so tade hal kalo stakat seminggu.. bukan nak balas kekejaman cuma nak bg dia rasa sakit sikit je.. mungkin takkan sakit mcm mana kucing tu rasa sebab kucing2 tu da pergi pun tapi atleast bg dia rasa sakit bila kena pukul n pijak so that she wont do it again.. n dia akan igt sampai mati n akan igtkan kepada anak cucu dia jg nanti.. tu sebagai pengajaran.. kalo leh meh aku je lah sebat dia neh!! bebal punye manusia.. tu la.. makan papi byk sgt ampai jadi cam tu.. haaa... da emo ni.. emo ni.. grrrr~!

hmm.. nak g tenang-tenangkan diri dulu jap .. jumpa lagi.. daaa~~!

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